Chairman’s Report – Autumn 2013

Well, it’s that time of year again!

After a great summer we are back to the seasonal storms and the cold weather is on the way. Do not despair, we are working on future events to see us through to springtime!

After the success of our Windmill openings, Teddy Bears’ picnic, Rhododendron Walk and Fungal Foray during the summer, we have recently enjoyed a well attended (scary) Ghost Walk followed by a very interesting Tree Walk. I would like to thank all of the committee members and Friends for participating and making these events possible. I would like to say a special thank you to Mandy and Stephen Pickles for kindly opening up the Lighthouse for the benefit of Friends to enjoy.

At the Teddy Bears’ Picnic in particular, parents were telling us how delighted they were that their children so much enjoyed time on the Hill and in the woods, we certainly intend to repeat this event next year. Thanks to the efforts of our Ranger Nic, several schools are participating in Forest Schools on the Hill and the young people are learning outdoor skills which we hope will give them a positive grounding to respect and enjoy the countryside around the area.

You may be aware that Bidston Hill once again achieved the Green Flag status for another year, this shows how hard everybody has been working in order to maintain the required standards for the granting of this meritorious award.

I recently attended a Civic Reception at Wallasey Town Hall in recognition of the various local Friends Groups that helped to acquire this honour for their parks and open spaces. The Mayor & Mayoress of Wirral were in attendance and I am delighted to advise that they have agreed to our request to be present at the centenary of King George V’s opening of King George’s Way, to perform the unveiling of the renovated sign placed there all those years ago. This will take place at 2:00pm, Tuesday, 25th March next year.

Finally, I want to thank Terry for taking over the production of our Newsletter, this is his first edition and I think he has made a splendid job of it. Hope you enjoy reading the publication when you receive it. For keeping up to date with news and events, keep checking our website which is continually evolving. You can leave any comments you have here as well.

Since it is fast approaching, I thought I would take the opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Roy Caligari

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