We held our first committee meeting of the year recently when we put our heads together to discuss ideas for the spring/summer months on the Hill. You can imagine it can be quite challenging to continually come up with new concepts that will retain the interest of our members, so we try to slot in new initiatives with some of our popular recurring themes and events.
As a way of promoting awareness of the Friends Group and creating new members, we have recently joined the Wirral History & Heritage Association which many of you will be familiar with. As a result, we will be attending their next event on Saturday, 7th March and will have a table presence on the day at Birkenhead Town Hall. All are welcome so please try to join us.
We have 3 ‘Tree & Rhododendron Walks’ planned for 25th April, 16th May & 30th May (All Saturdays) meet at the Windmill at 2:00pm. We are hoping to be able to cultivate the many varieties of Rhododendrons on the Hill at some stage, in order to take full advantage of the beautiful splendour they have to offer in full bloom.
As usual, the Windmill will be open on the first Saturday of the month between 10:00am & 12 noon starting in April and running through to September inclusive however, due to the National Mills Weekend in May, it will be open additionally on Saturday, 9th May from 2:00 – 4:00pm.
If you have not been on our Heritage Trail you are really missing something! There are ancient rock carvings, some of which are thought to have pagan origins, Flag Poles & Semaphore Station history, sandstone deposits dating back some 200 million years and much more. Why not follow the trail and be amazed by what you find? Information of the trail can be seen on our website or, you can pick up a pamphlet from the Ranger’s office at the Tam O’Shanter Farm. You will not be disappointed.
Our AGM takes place on Tuesday, 12th May at 7:00pm, when we will have a review of the year and appoint the new committee members for the next year. We will have a guest speaker, details of which will be placed in our events calendar on our website in due course, so please come along if you can and ‘have your say’ as well as being entertained!
Well, that’s all for now, hope to see you out and about soon. If you have any comments or ideas for future events on the Hill or, would be interested in getting involved, just drop a note through our website or use my e-mail address below.
Roy Caligari
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