
Viewers should see under the “Rhodies” heading that I have added lots of new pages. Most of the words have been scanned from Morna Knottenbelt’s amazing booklet on the Rhododendrons of Bidston Hill, published in 2004. I took most of the rhododendron photos last year and aim to collect more this year.

Note that most of the photos can be magnified by clicking on them. To return to the original small pictures, use the “Back” arrow on your browser.

On the page about the “Rhododendron Gardens” you will see scans of a couple of postcards of these gardens.

There were obviously a number of these produced in the early 1900’s.

Does anyone have any more of these? Also, does anyone know what happened to Dixons, the photographer on Elmswood Road Birkenhead? It would be fun to see their archives!

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