Trees and Rhododendrons Walk

On Saturday, we had our first trees and rhododendrons walk of the year which was guided by our good and knowledgeable friend Stephen Lyus.

I found the walk most interesting, as did all who attended; it is amazing to see the huge number of trees and rhododendrons we have on the Hill.


Stephen showed us a variety of trees in Park Wood, including beech, oak, holly, laurel, silver birch and sycamore, describing the different leaf formations. He explained that when identifying trees it is necessary to note the leaf shape, texture and colour, as well as colour and texture of the bark and flower/seed type or shape. Some are extremely old with interesting shapes with twisted and gnarled branches.


Stephen informed us that rhododendrons were planted in Park Wood between 1897 and 1933 and many are over a hundred years old! They are not all the common purple colour with many hybrids showing shades of pink, red and white, some with attractive markings on the flowers. Rhododendrons flower between March and June, starting with pale pink and Cunningham’s White, May being the best for viewing when the common purple R. Ponticum hybrids also flower.

As you can imagine, much was learned by all and if you did miss this walk I would strongly recommend coming along to one of the other two scheduled for Saturday, 16th May and Saturday, 30th May at 2:00pm. Meet at the Windmill.

I would like to thank Stephen for an interesting and enjoyable afternoon.

Hope to see you soon.

Roy Caligari


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