Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024

Our Annual General Meeting will take place at 7pm on Thursday 1st August, 2024.

The venue will be Bidston Observatory, Wilding Way, Bidston Hill, CH43 7RA.

Over the years, this iconic building has played important roles in astronomy, time-keeping, tide prediction (including the tide tables for the D-Day landings), coastal oceanography and much more. Recently restored, it now operates as an Artistic Research Centre.

We need your support and are seeking new members and volunteers to help with the conservation of Bidston Hill and opening the Windmill to the public. We also invite nominations to serve on the management committee for the forthcoming year.

Only members of the Friends of Bidston Hill will be allowed to vote in the AGM. However, attendees will have the opportunity to join or renew their membership on the night.

The formal business of the AGM will be followed by an illustrated talk on the geology and landscape of Bidston Hill by Professor Jim Marshall, which you should find most interesting.

Light refreshments will be provided.

If coming by car, drive slowly up Wilding Way (off Boundary Road) and proceed to the top where parking will be available.

For catering purposes, please confirm your attendance using our contact form, or by sending email to info at

We look forward to seeing you.

Roy Caligari


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