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Author Archives: admin
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024
Our Annual General Meeting will take place at 7pm on Thursday 1st August, 2024. The venue will be Bidston Observatory, Wilding Way, Bidston Hill, CH43 7RA. Over the years, this iconic building has played important roles in astronomy, time-keeping, tide prediction (including the tide tables for the D-Day landings), coastal oceanography and much more. Recently restored, it now operates as an Artistic Research Centre. We need your support and are seeking new members and volunteers to help with the conservation of Bidston Hill and opening the Windmill to the public. We also invite nominations to serve on the management committee for the forthcoming year. Only members of the Friends of … Continue reading
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Clearing Ivy
The Friday Group volunteers meet every Friday morning to carry out maintenance tasks on Bidston Hill. Lately, they’ve been clearing ivy from oak trees and the like, to keep the trees healthy.
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Tagged Bidston Hill, conservation, Friday Group, ivy, trees
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2023 Memberships Due
Members of the Friends of Bidston Hill are reminded that all memberships become due for renewal in January of each year. The annual membership fee remains at only £5 per year, and covers all family members living at the same address. New members are always welcome. You can download a membership form here.
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021
It has been sometime since we have communicated through the website regarding matters relating to Bidston Hill. I think all will appreciate this is due to the pandemic which prevented any plans for events being initiated. We are hopeful the 19th July will bring further unlocking of restrictions, giving way for our committee to meet and continue where we left off before the Covid-19 Outbreak. With this in mind, assuming restrictions are lifted on this date, we plan to hold our Annual General Meeting, in order to put forward for appointment, nominees for those interested in serving on the committee for the forthcoming year. All are welcome to attend and … Continue reading
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Friday Group Report: March 2020
17th January to 6th March 2020 It has been very wet this year but the Friday Group lost only two days owing to rain. Most of the time the Group has been working on North Heath, near the Sun Goddess. Many Birch trees have been cut down to prevent seeding this year, similarly many Birch saplings have been cut down to ground level. Material cut down is trimmed to a suitable length and then piled up; log piles like these make good wildlife habitats. One morning was spent on South Heath, near to Rock Path. There is a lot of Heather growing here so time was spent trimming back Gorse … Continue reading
Volunteer Warden’s Report: January 2020
4th October 2019 to 10th January 2020 Season’s greetings from all members of the Friday Group and best wishes for a prosperous New Year. Last October, Bidston Hill received a visit from the Mayor and Mayoress of Wirral. The occasion was the raising of the Green Flag by His Worship: the flag is awarded to public places which are well maintained for visitors and, once again, the Hill has been a recipient. The following week many bulbs were planted in the wooded triangle of land opposite the entrance to Tam O’Shanter farm — look out for a colourful display this Spring. On parts of South Heath, Heather is now re-generating after … Continue reading
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Tagged Bidston Hill, conservation, Friday Group, Friends of Bidston Hill, volunteer
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Volunteer Warden’s Report: September 2019
August 2nd to 27th September 2019 New to most members of the Friday Group was the overgrown driveway to a private house off Boundary Road (by Brow Road) known as “The Clubhouse.” Fire Service vehicles moving up the drive had been damaged by overhanging branches and it was at their request that the Group trimmed back all the bushes and trees. Bidston Windmill was open on two occasions and over 100 visitors attended each time. The building is closed now until April 2020 and it is hoped that bats will return there for hibernation. A bat detector has been purchased by the friends and in mid-August several Committee members met … Continue reading
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Tagged Bidston Hill, conservation, Friday Group, Friends of Bidston Hill, volunteer, Windmill
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Volunteer Warden’s Report: July 2019
May 3rd to July 19th 2019 The Windmill has been open to the public three times during this period. This is any ever-popular event with good attendances each time. Tumbledown Hill was cleared in preparation for a visit by John Kuzmjak’s relatives. They were pleased to see the site and hear of the fall that John had had there some years ago. A fire risk was identified behind the fence of Hillside Farm so the trees and bushes there have been cut back. At lot of litter was also found here and much of that was removed but some heavy items could not be carried in the litter bags. Many … Continue reading
Volunteer Warden’s Report: Early Spring 2019
February 15 to April 19, 2019 Sadly, I have to report that “American” John passed away in Arrowe Park Hospital on 13th April. He had been a stalwart member of the Friday Group for many years but retired nearly two years ago. The “Ribbon” area of clearing has been completed, creating good sight lines from Windmill Ridge towards Liverpool. The bushes and trees cut down have been piled up to establish wildlife habitats for insects and birds and so play a part in Nature’s food chain. Near to this area, an ancient quarry has been cleared to form a wetland habitat and a frog was recently seen there. The path … Continue reading
Membership renewals
Memberships of the Friends of Bidston Hill became due for renewal on the 1st of January. Membership costs five pounds per family per year, and entitles you to our regular newsletter and invitations to special events. If you haven’t yet renewed your membership for 2019 (or want to join), you can download the membership form here.
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