Volunteer Warden’s Report: September 2019

August 2nd to 27th September 2019

New to most members of the Friday Group was the overgrown driveway to a private house off Boundary Road (by Brow Road) known as “The Clubhouse.” Fire Service vehicles moving up the drive had been damaged by overhanging branches and it was at their request that the Group trimmed back all the bushes and trees.

Bidston Windmill was open on two occasions and over 100 visitors attended each time. The building is closed now until April 2020 and it is hoped that bats will return there for hibernation.

A bat detector has been purchased by the friends and in mid-August several Committee members met one evening to explore uses of the machine. Although heavy rain curtailed time spent walking, Pipistrelle and Noctule bats were detected.

Bridleways by the car park and alongside Tam o’ Shanter Farm have been trimmed back.

On South Heath to the left of Ridge Path (facing Windmill) there has been much growth of Birch, Gorse and Rhododendron so an effort is now being made to cut this down. This area is naturally boggy and wildlife for the habitat will be encouraged. Unfortunately, the Willow that also grows there is quite abundant and, because the tree will suck up so much moisture, some of this plant will have to also be removed.

Nature quickly grows back and there is lots of new growth on Bidston Hill after the enormous fires of the summer of 2018. Rapid growth may be expected of Gorse and Birch but this year there is more Bracken than usual and Broom plants are now to be seen on South Heath. Heather too is growing back and has been in flower. Good news also about Lizards; one was recently seen in Flaybrick Cemetery, so a colony did survive the fires.

John Lee

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