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Author Archives: admin
Volunteer Warden’s Report: Winter 2018-19
Friday Group December 2018 saw the continuation of clearing Birch and Gorse from around the two-bench Viewpoint on Windmill Ridge (North Heath). Looking toward Liverpool, it was decided to create a cleared strip of called “The Ribbon.” Clearing a strip some 15 to 20-foot-wide from the Ridge and reaching as far as Taylors Wood, would improve the sightline and also act as a fire-break. Within this cleared area, the wetland parts are being improved for wildlife and habitats for creatures made by piling up cut-down material. Further progress in cutting “The Ribbon” was made in January this year. Looking a little bit further ahead to Spring and Summer, the Friends … Continue reading
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Tagged bats, Bidston Hill, Friday Group, volunteer, Windmill
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Volunteer Warden’s Report: November 2018
During October and November, effort has been made to remove some of the taller bushes and trees on North Heath. This was at the Two-Bench View Point on Windmill Ridge and the aim was to increase the range of view here, particularly towards Wales. Cutting vegetation is this area had its challenges as some of the trees removed were growing on the steep slope that falls away from the Penny-A-Day Dyke pathway. Despite the fires on South Heath, several pockets of Heather were found to have survived. These areas were noticed on the “Heather Heath” between the Main (Windmill) Path and Rock Path, the plants were, however, being smothered by … Continue reading
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Volunteer Warden’s Report – October 2018
During April and May, the Group were active in cutting down Birch and Gorse on South Heath to open up Heather growing areas. Wirral Council purchased some “Tree Poppers,” a device to lever out trees from their roots. These levers were very effective in removing Birch saplings but didn’t work on Gorse bushes; the roots of these are too extensive underground. The first Bidston Hill Open Day was held in May, in very good weather and was a great success, many people coming to the Windmill, Observatory, Punch and Judy (at the Farm) and a Viking display (also at the Farm). Sadly, in June, one of our stalwart supporters, Ron … Continue reading
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Volunteer Warden’s Report: April-June 2018
In order to reduce fires, Birch and Gorse were cut down in April on a part of South Heath. The Heather was revealed and looked very attractive for a short while until, at the beginning of the current heat wave, this area was blackened by fire. An Open Day was held in May and, blessed with sunny weather, it was successful in publicising Bidston Hill; The Windmill, Observatory, Lighthouse and Farm receiving many visitors. Using the new “Tree Poppers”, in May a large number of young Birch saplings were dug up from the edge of Taylor’s Wood, not far from the car park. These lever-type implements were found to be … Continue reading
Ron Williams
Our dear friend Ron Williams passed away last week after a short illness. For many years, Ron played a big part in helping keep Bidston Hill and Flaybrick Cemetery suitably maintained for the local community, along with all other volunteers. In addition, every Saturday morning he would head a guided walk through Flaybrick and across Bidston Hill and was very popular with participants, some of which would regularly return time and again. From my knowledge, I think Ron was involved with other local volunteer groups offering his services because he enjoyed this so much. Ron was also the piano/keyboard player with the Northern Rhythm Swing Band, playing at local venues … Continue reading
Bidston Hill Family Open Day
Sunday, 13th May from 10:00am until 4:00pm Bring the whole family for a great day out! From our landmark Lighthouse, Observatory and Windmill buildings, to our intriguing Heritage Trail, there is a vast amount of history to explore. Lots of attractions including: Punch & Judy shows, Viking Display, Guided Walks, Farm Animals, and more. Refreshments available at Shanterz Café at Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm. Admission free. Donations welcome. Timetable Punch and Judy shows at 10:30, 12:15 and 13:30 (each about 45 minutes long), at Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm. Windmill and Lighthouse open to visitors from 11:00 until 13:00. Children must be at least 1.06m tall to access the upper … Continue reading
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Tagged Bidston Hill, family, Lighthouse, open day, Windmill
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Volunteer Warden’s Report: Feb-Mar 2018
During February and the first part of March there has been a Friday working party of at least 4 people for most of the six weeks. There was one week when there was snow on the ground, but still two people attended, although for a slightly shorter than usual period. Heather Heath (beside Main Path to the bridge over Vyner Road North) received attention in February with more Gorse being cut down to reveal Heather and the odd Pine sapling. After two weeks, the Working Party moved down off Heather Heath to the adjacent Taylor’s Wood where there were two very large and uncontrolled Rhododendron Bushes within, what should be, … Continue reading
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Spring Clean cancelled
We regret that the Bidston Hill Spring Clean has been cancelled. This was scheduled for Sunday 4th March as part of the Great British Spring Clean. Although the snow on Bidston Hill is beginning to melt, there is still a yellow warning of ice in the morning and a high probability of sleet. Conditions should improve a little in the afternoon, but at best the air will be cold and the ground will be wet and slippery. Under the circumstances, we have decided that it is safer not to go ahead.
Volunteer warden’s report: Dec 2017 – Jan 2018
In early December, wood chippings were spread underneath all the picnic benches in the field adjacent to the car park. Gorse and Birches were also cut down on Windmill Heath. One Friday there was a blizzard, so no work was done that day! On Students Heath, more work was down to cut down Gorse and Birch to create a view point from the bench site north of the Lighthouse and the Wirral Parks and Countryside Service came to help. At the end of December, work was started to cut down Holly trees in Taylors Wood, near the Bridle Path. The rationale behind this activity is to create a clearing beneath … Continue reading
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Tagged Bidston Hill, Friday Group
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Volunteer Warden’s Report: Oct-Nov 2017
There were at least four people on each work day in October. On 6th October a visitor to Bidston Hill said he had seen a Land Rover Discovery being driven over the Hill. This was reported to the Police along with the registration number. John Jakeman was also informed. Bebington Police have agreed to put extra patrols in the area. The plan to cut back Birch during the Autumn/Winter has continued and this month attention was paid to Oak Tree Heath which is to the left of Vyner Road bridge. A number of tall Birch trees have been cut down together with smaller ones, some Gorse and Rhododendron bushes. Many … Continue reading
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