There were at least four people on each work day in October.
On 6th October a visitor to Bidston Hill said he had seen a Land Rover Discovery being driven over the Hill. This was reported to the Police along with the registration number. John Jakeman was also informed. Bebington Police have agreed to put extra patrols in the area.
The plan to cut back Birch during the Autumn/Winter has continued and this month attention was paid to Oak Tree Heath which is to the left of Vyner Road bridge. A number of tall Birch trees have been cut down together with smaller ones, some Gorse and Rhododendron bushes. Many Heather plants have been revealed and these should grow better next year as a result of them receiving more light.
In Mid-October, bushes and trees around the car-park were pruned back.
The working party went international in November when students from the Wirral Metropolitan College came to spend two mornings on Bidston Hill. Accompanied by two members of staff, 29 students came to help out. They were all learning to speak English but seemed to have quite a good grasp of the language and were given a tour of the Hill. Also, Stephen gave them a brief talk about the Observatory and Lighthouse and most of the students seem to appreciate this lesson in history. After the tour, the group set about cutting down Birch and Gorse on North Heath, alongside the diagonal path from Wilding Way to the Rock Carving. The College staff indicated that the Hill visits had been very beneficial to the students and hinted that they may come back in the Spring 2018.
John Lee
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